Dancers Responding to AIDS
A Program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS

Broadway Cares 2010 National Grants In Difficult Times, A Bit Of Good News From Coast To Coast
Though we continue to hear troubling reports about the economy, job loss and unemployment, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS was able to bring some much needed good news to hundreds of organizations that faced cuts in government and private funding in 2010. Following 2009, in which a 20% drop in fundraising necessitated that appropriate cuts be […]
Broadway Continues Tradition Of New & Classic Holiday Songs For BC/EFA
What started as a bit of “nun fun” over a decade ago has grown into a theater-lover’s “must-have” holiday gift – and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Broadway Cares along the way. The festively tuneful CD Carols for a Cure , now in its 12th edition, has been featured in USA Today and […]
A Moment of Remembrance
When the GYPSY OF THE YEAR Competition was first staged in 1989, the AIDS epidemic had already taken from us a staggering number of people and devastated the theatre community. An activist from the earliest days of the AIDS epidemic, stage and screen star Judith Light, currently featured in the stellar company of the Broadway […]
The Broadway Community Proclaims “It Gets Better!”
On Friday, October 15 and Monday, October 18, more than 60 actors, writers, directors and notable members of the Broadway community were filmed sharing their personal and often painful stories to provide hope and inspiration to LGBTQ youth across America. The video created from these sessions is part of the It Gets Better Project, which […]
A Journey of Action and Hope: BC/EFA’s Support for The AIDS Initiative of The Actors Fund
For over 22 years, The AIDS Initiative of The Actors Fund has been helping members of the entertainment industry living with HIV/AIDS cope with the extraordinary health care challenges as well as the financial and emotional crises brought on by the disease on both a short and long-term basis. The collaboration between BC/EFA and The […]
Tables Feature Treasures, Treats & Trinkets
At the 24th Annual Broadway Flea Market, 72 tables raised over $230,000 for BC/EFA by selling everything from rare, original Broadway costume sketches to homemade cupcakes made by company members of your favorite shows. A pretty impressive figure when you consider that it all started in 1987 when the cast of A Chorus Line launched […]
The Actors Fund Receives Over $4 Million In 2010 From BC/EFA
More than two decades ago, Equity Fights AIDS was created by the Council of Actors Equity to raise funds for the newly created AIDS Initiative of The Actors Fund. Since that time, during which Equity Fights AIDS merged with Broadway Cares in 1992, BC/EFA has continued its unwavering support, awarding over $55 million to The […]
Increases, Impact and a Tony: 10 Minutes with Tom Viola, Executive Director, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Reproduced from the Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) website, published September 9, 2010 In 22 years, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA) has given more than $53 million to HIV/AIDS and family service organizations through its annual National Grants Program. The program’s three grant-rounds include: #1) Food Service and Meal Delivery Programs; #2) Nationally Recognized Service […]
Two Musical Phenomena Pass Fundraising Milestones
In May, Broadway’s all-time longest running show celebrated another milestone as the now legendary musical, The Phantom of the Opera, surpassed the $4 million mark in fundraising for Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS. Phantomopened on Broadway on January 26, 1988, right at the same time that members of the Actors Equity Council were organizing […]
Tom Viola Honored with Special Tony Award
On Saturday, June 12, 2010, in a special cocktail reception at the Manhattan Room at the InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel on the eve of The 2010 Tony Awards, The 2010 Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre was presented to Executive Director of Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS, Tom Viola, as […]